County Court: 023 8021 3200
Divorce: 0300 303 0642
Small claims mediation: 01604 795511
Fixed penalties: 01292 711 880
Family fax: 0870 761 7769
County Court fax: 0870 761 7750
Crown Court fax: 0870 761 7655
Fine queries: 01633 645 112
Witness service: 0300 332 1000
Bankruptcy, Children, Crime, Domestic violence, Employment, High Court District Registry, Housing possession, Money claims, Social security
Disabled access and toilet facilities are available. Disabled parking facilities are available but need to be arranged prior to visit to ensure that allocated spaces are suitable for requirements. Please contact the court office in advance on 02380 213200.
This court has Prison Video Link facilities which is also available for conferences and legal visits. To book a booth email, subject heading Video Link Booking or telephone 02380 213223.