Complaints Regarding APA Members

APA has made changes to its adjudication program to better serve individuals who believe they have been harmed by a psychologist. Our focus now will be on providing information on other potential avenues for resolution that have a greater ability to take a desired action against an unethical psychologist. We only accept complaints against an APA member psychologist if there is no alternative forum to hear the complaint. If another forum takes an action against the member, the APA can review the matter at that time.

Is the Psychologist You Would Like to Complain About Licensed?

If a state psychology licensing board has jurisdiction, we will not accept a complaint against them. (In the event that the licensing board makes a significant finding against the member psychologist, we will be informed and will review the behavior under a different process).

If you have a complaint against a psychologist, you should contact your local, state, provincial or territorial psychology licensing board to determine if the psychologist is licensed and obtain information on filing a complaint with that licensing board. These state regulatory agencies control the ability of a psychologist to practice and are separate entities from APA. A complete list can be found at The Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards.

There also may be other avenues for you to consider even if the psychologist is not licensed. If you are a student wishing to complain about a faculty member, you should explore your school’s grievance procedures. Similarly, faculty members can explore their institution’s faculty grievance procedures. If the matter involves child custody issues, another avenue beyond filing with the licensing board would be to work with your lawyer to present your concerns to the judge.

Why is This the Focus?

As a membership organization, APA cannot revoke a psychologist's license or restrict a psychologist from practicing. We cannot obtain a monetary award for you or require that a psychologist do something you request. As with most membership-based organizations, the most serious action that APA can take is expelling the member from the association with notifications. We also do not have powers of investigation that governmental bodies and others possess. In most situations, there is a licensing board or other body that can review your complaint in greater depth and provide you greater relief for unethical behavior.

If you would like to receive additional assistance in identifying another forum better suited to hear your complaint, please contact us. In the event you have a record of a significant finding against a member by a forum other than a licensing board, you may contact us to give us that information.