New Jersey Insurance License Exam

Cartoon woman holding New Jersey Insurance License Exam document

Passing your New Jersey insurance license exam is a pivotal part of becoming a licensed insurance agent in the state of New Jersey.

In this guide, we’ll break down the general information that you need to know in order to pass your exam, outline the differences between each examination line, and offer tips on both: how to prepare for your New Jersey insurance licensing exam, and on what to do after you pass.

Tip: Doing a pre-licensing education course dramatically increases your chance of passing your exam on your first attempt, which can end up saving you both time and money in the long run.

Kaplan Education Company

New Jersey Insurance Exam Basics

General Information

The state of New Jersey uses PSI to administer its insurance agent licensing. This means you can register and book all of your licensing examinations through the PSI website. Your test can be carried out online or in person.

Each major insurance line examination is made up of multiple-choice questions and includes both general and state-specific material.

The general questions test your federal insurance product and agent knowledge, whereas the state-specific questions test you on the New Jersey insurance regulations and laws that you will need to know in order to operate as an insurance agent.

Score Explanation

At the end of the examination, your score will be displayed on screen. It will also be emailed to you.

If you fail your examination, you will receive a score report that will also contain a diagnostic report that can be used to determine your strengths and weaknesses. This will be very helpful if you end up attempting the examination again in the future.

You can request a duplicate score report by reaching out to PSI at You will need to include your name, candidate ID number, and confirmation number.

Note: You will need to obtain a score of 70% or higher in order to pass the Life, Health, Property, or Casualty Producer exams in New Jersey.


Your New Jersey insurance license exam cost will depend on the number of examinations that you take:



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