Macquarie Memo Issue 13- 2024

Thank you to all the families for assisting students to participate in our Macquarie Book Week Parade last Friday. What a wonderful way to celebrate books!!

Kristy, Mariam, Mike and I dressed up as ‘bucket fillers’ from the book by Carol McCloud titled ‘Have You Filled a Bucket Today?’. The underlying message of the book is the concept that everyone carries around an invisible bucket. When the bucket is full, the person is feeling happy. There are many ways to fill someone’s bucket, for example, give a complement, smile at them, give them a helping hand. Filling someone else's bucket can also help to fill your own bucket at the same time.

I had the opportunity to share this story with Chlo’s class on Friday afternoon. My bucket was definitely full when one of the students said to me ‘Karen, wouldn’t it be great if you made someone’s bucket overflow’. I say, yes to that! Let’s be bucket fillers!

Please remember to complete the School Satisfaction & Climate Survey for 2024. We would love your feedback.

Macquarie Primary School encourages you to sign up to the Parent Portal as it’s a secure and convenient way to communicate with your child’s school.

There is now an App – Sentral for Parents, launching from Monday 2 September 2024.

Parent Portal can be accessed on a mobile phone, tablet or computer and will allow parents to:

· Notify us if your child is sick or to explain an absence

· Read updates to school events

· You can notify us of any existing or future absence

· Receive academic reports

· Update your family contact details

· Manage secure payments

· View current school newsletter

· Access excursion notes

Please contact the front office for further information

A message from the Director General

Dear parents and carers
Welcome back to Term 3.
We are continuing to see the impacts of illness across our community this winter, with an
increase in the seasonal flu, COVID-19, and other illness.
At school, our focus remains on delivering quality teaching and learning with minimum
disruption. However, seasonal illness can mean there may be times this term where staff
are away unexpectedly, which may require us to adjust how we run our schools.
These adjustments are no different to those used during Term 2 and may include minor
changes to school timetables, a reduction in extracurricular activities, camps and
excursions, or periods of larger group or supervised independent learning. Teachers may
use online educational resources as part of their teaching at school. These changes support
schools to ensure student learning is not impacted. Your school will keep you updated if
changes are made.
Vaccination is one of the key protections against illness for our community. I encourage
everyone who can to get vaccinated for the seasonal flu and COVID-19. You can get your
child vaccinated at a GP, participating pharmacy, Early Childhood Immunisation Clinics
(children aged 6 months to under 5 years) or another immunisation provider. A
consultation fee may apply. You can find more on the ACT Health website.
There are simple steps we can all take to protect one another. Hand sanitiser is available at
all of our schools and students will be reminded of the importance of keeping up their
hand hygiene to help stop the spread of illness.
As parents and carers, one of the simplest and most important things you can do is to
keep your child at home when they are unwell. If your child has COVID-19 please let us
know by contacting your school Front Office.
Thank you once again for your support.

Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge

Thank you to all the students who participated in the 2024 Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge.

This year, 110 students participated in the challenge and read a total of 2732 books.

As promised, there are some prizes attached to this year’s challenge. The class in each cohort with the highest percentage of participation will receive a Zooper Dooper for each person in the class. Our cohort winners are:

The P&C has donated $20.00 book vouchers to the student in each class who read the most books. Our class winners are: