Except for some marijuana crimes, New York has no laws to erase or “expunge” criminal records. New York uses a process called sealing for some cases. Sealing means that the record still exists, but all related fingerprint and palmprint cards, booking photos, and DNA samples may be returned to you or destroyed (except digital fingerprints are not destroyed if you already have fingerprints on file from a different unsealed case). Department of Criminal Justice System, Police, Prosecutor, and in some cases, court records, are hidden from the public.
If a record that is supposed to be sealed comes up on your Criminal Records search, you can ask to seal that record. See Criminal Records: Correcting Mistakes.
Certain marijuana misdemeanors are expunged and treated as if they never happened. Read Marijuana and Expungement.
If your criminal history record can’t be sealed, you can still get some of your rights back by getting a Certificate of Relief from Disabilities or a Certificate of Good Conduct. Read Getting Rights Back to learn more.
Out-of-state and federal arrests and convictions are not a part of your New York criminal record. New York’s sealing rules have no effect on them.
Look up case info. by name or index/docket number at eCourts.