Catalog 2024-2025

The catalog contains important educational program and course information, along with information covering admissions, student support programs and services, policies, procedures, regulations, and more.

This catalog is valid from August 1, 2024, through July 31, 2025. It is in effect for the Fall and Spring semesters and any session (intersession) which commences within this defined period of time.

Every reasonable effort has been made to determine that everything stated in this catalog is accurate. Because this publication must be prepared well in advance of the period of time it covers, changes in some programs inevitably will occur. Courses and programs offered, together with other matters contained herein, are subject to change without notice by the Administration of the Chaffey College District and, in addition, some courses or programs that are offered may have to be canceled because of insufficient enrollment or because of elimination or reduction in programs or because of any other reason considered sufficient by the Superintendent/President or designee.

The District and College further reserve the right to add, amend, or repeal any of their rules, regulations, policies, procedures, or timelines. The most up-to-date and accurate information can be found throughout the Chaffey College website.

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Four Chaffey College students smiling while looking at a laptop together.

Footer CTA image Four Chaffey College students smiling while looking at a laptop together.